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add research

Recruiting Consultancy for
medical technology

Welcome to add research -

Your specialized recruiting consultancy for medical technology

As a key element for high-quality healthcare, medical technology makes an essential contribution to ensuring people live a long and healthy life in all phases - from prevention to diagnostics and therapy to aftercare and rehabilitation.


This importance is also reflected in the economic strength of the industry: with over 265,000 employees, medical technology is an important job engine and major employer in Germany. The MedTech industry is extremely innovative and successful; in 2023, according to official economic statistics, it grew by 5.9% to 40.4 billion euros. However, this success is threatened by the worsening shortage of skilled workers in medical technology. This can lead to loss of market share to international competitors, delays in the development of new products, migration of research and development abroad, and losses in quality and patient safety.


This makes it all the more important to rely on experts from the industry when recruiting medical technology managers and specialists who have a profound understanding of the medical technology industry and its specific requirements, who recruit in a targeted manner and who accompany you through all phases of personnel recruitment - from requirements analysis to candidate search and selection to successful hiring and training.


At add research, we have been supporting medical technology companies in recruiting specialists and managers since 2006 and look forward to advising and supporting you.


Arrange a non-binding initial consultation now, in which we will explain our approach to you and discuss your specific personnel challenges together.



We know the challenges of the industry and know exactly what skills managers and specialists need to have.


For us, discretion is an indispensable prerequisite for a trusting cooperation.


We have been on the market since 2006 and have an extensive network. We know where to find the A players who can take your business forward. 

Als spezialisierte Personalberatung bringen wir von add research Global Player, Mittelstandsunternehmen und Hidden Champions aus der Medizintechnik mit hochqualifizierten Fach- und Führungskräften zusammen. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung und unsere Leidenschaft für die Branche, um Ihre Personal-Bedürfnisse erfolgreich zu erfüllen: Nachhaltig. Diskret. Transparent.

For companies

Successful medical technology companies need successful leaders.

As a specialized recruiting consultant, we bring together global players, medium-sized companies and hidden champions from medical technology with highly qualified specialists and managers. Trust our experience and our passion for the industry to successfully meet your staffing needs:Consistent. discreet. Transparent.

For candidates

Take your next career step with us.

Reputable companies in medical technology trust in our competence when it comes to personnel. If you also place your trust in us, we will accompany you holistically and appreciatively in your search for an ideal employer. We do more than send your CV to X companies. From determining your individual professional potential to onboarding in the new company, you can rely on our support.

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contact us

Let's find out together how we can support you in filling your critical vacancies or your own career.  | +49 (0) 69 29 99 29 00

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©2023 add research - Personnel consultancy for medical technology . Sulzbacher Str. 119 . D-65835 Liederbach. . +49 (0)69 29 99 29 00

In order to improve the readability of the website, only the masculine form is used in some places for personal designations and personal nouns. In terms of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to all genders.

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